The Dyslexie Font
The month of October honors people with dyslexia, to promote awareness of this affliction which can also be a gift. Yes, with the many children and adults I have met and worked with, I have seen giftedness in different areas, particularly in the spatial arts, such as drawing, creating freehand magnificent structures from plastic building blocks, and engineering.
The Dyslexie font, which was created by The Netherlands’ Christian Boer as his final thesis in graphic design for Utrecht Art Academy. He sought to make life easier for anyone with reading problems. Boer designed the Dyslexie typeface with specific changes which makes it easier for dyslexic readers to distinguish between troublesome letters (such as b, d, p, and q) and even to be able to see punctuation more easily.
You can see examples of dyslexie and download the font (free of charge for home use) here:
I’ll send you to the website now, so you may explore for yourself.
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