Reading Services
1-on-1 Clinical Sessions
Depending on the child's needs, sessions may focus on:
- decoding
- handwriting/letter formation and letter reversals
- spelling and writing
- sound/symbol association
- phonological awareness and auditory processing
- introducing a new sound and continuously reviewing previously taught sounds
- multi-syllable strategies
- fluency and reading rate
- comprehension
- processing skills
- working memory
- studying, note-taking and test-taking skills
We believe in going to back to the basics! We find and improve upon any cracks in the child's previous phonics foundation. We use a multisensory approach that helps students to retain information such as the sounds and symbols of our language. In addition, we train the child along with their parents in these methods so that parents have the knowledge, tools, and confidence to carry out home practice with their child between clinical sessions. Our teachers are trained in a variety of programs and methods. We pick and chose from these methods to create a plan that is best for each student we work with.
If a child is struggling with reading and school work, we want to get to the to root of the problem. We do this by addressing weak executive functioning and cognitive skills, such as, processing speed, auditory processing, visual processing and logic and reasoning. By improving upon these areas, we can help a child make huge gains in their academic journey!
Non-diagnostic and Educational Diagnostic Evaluations
At ALS we offer two types of assessments:
- Diagnostic educational (or academic) evaluations, administered by a Licensed Educational Diagnostician (optional)
- Basic screener assessments, adminstered by a certified reading specialist (all new students begin here if a diagnosis is not desired or needed)
Diagnostic Educational Evaluation
Educational evaluation services are provided for children and young adults when Dyslexia or a related disorder is suspected. Related disorders may include Dysgraphia, Reading Fluency or Written Expression. Information is gathered by the evaluator, including parent observations of the child, background information and a historical pattern of academic performance. The student completes a variety of academic tasks, similar to tasks experienced in the school setting. Several assessment tools are used by the evaluator to assess and interpret relative strengths and needs of the child, within a comprehensive evaluation. The evaluation is completed by an educational diagnostician and certified dyslexia practitioner in a 1:1 setting.
Dyslexia is a Specific Learning Disability (SLD) in Basic Reading and/or Reading Fluency
Students with Dyslexia may have:
- difficulty with accurate and/or fluent word recognition
- difficulty with letter naming and letter sounds
- poor spelling and decoding abilities
- a deficit in the phonological component of language often unexpected in relation to other cognitive abilities
- secondary consequences may include problems in reading comprehension and reduced reading experience
- impeded growth in vocabulary and background knowledge
- skills in mathematics, are typically average
- a good understanding of stories read aloud
- may have a family history of similar difficulties
The purpose of assessing academic performance levels is to determine if there is an educational need resulting from a disability, as well as to determine the presence or absence of a significant educational deficit requiring services.
Basic Screener Asseesment
If a diagnostic evaluation is not needed, each child begins with a screener assessment. This provides us and each family with key information about their child's reading skills. It gives us a starting point and allows us to design our lessons to fit each child's needs.