Outdoors-y Kids Do Better in School
Did you know that we can help some learning and attention problems by spending time enjoying nature? YES, according to Richard Louv (author of "Last Child in the Woods"), many of our children suffer from “Nature Deficit Disorder”.
Reconnecting the child with nature can bring many emotional, physical and academic benefits.
Personally, I have noticed that a short walk along a hiking trail or weeding my mint bed for a while refreshes me mentally and emotionally, even after a long stressful day. It can work for our kids, too!
According the Texas Parks and Wildlife program, studies show these 10 reasons to get your kids playing outside.
They will:
- Be healthier physically and mentally
- Do better in school
- Have higher self-esteem
- Have good self-discipline
- Feel more capable and confident
- Be good problem-solvers
- Be more cooperative with others
- Be more creative
- Feel connected to nature
- Be tomorrow’s conservation leaders
What could be simpler? Get your kids away from the ‘screens’ and OUTDOORS to explore and play! Visit the Texas Parks and Wildlife for inexpensive ways to enjoy the Great Outdoors with your family.
Ann Conolly
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