Raising Resilient Kids
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Issues with toddler meltdowns or teenage drama? Teaching a child resiliance can help our kids to be happier, well-adjusted, thoughful, autonomous adults.
Years ago, I clipped and saved a valuable article from "Counselor's Corner", much of which I will reproduce here.
Characteristics of Resilient Children:
- Socially skillful
- Sense of control over their response to life
- Reflective approach to life (thinks and then acts)
- Goal-directed
- Curiosity and interest in education (often 'caught' reading!)
- Presence of inspirational individual / role model
- Ability to separate from destructive people and situations
- Take moderate risks
- Stress-inoculated (anticipated and prepared for crises)
- View crises as challenges, not catastrophes
Recommendations for Promoting Resilience:
- Encourage child to have friends by being one.
- Encourage autonomy and opportunities for responsible decision-making
- Encourage divergent thinking (have child plan more than one solution).
- Get child involved in long-term projects to promote goal-setting and delayed gratification
- Encourage interest in education and promote reading.
- Challenge, but never put-down child’s views.
- Provide a strong family support base, and encourage individual extra-curricular pursuits.
- Do not expect of encourage perfection.
- Teach the art of reframing problems as challenges.
- Be what you want the child to be: model resilience.
Sure hope this is helpful!
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