Great Safety Product for Autistic Spectrum!
Do you need this for your autistic child or elderly loved one? Considering how many "Silver alerts" there are these days, this could be very helpful in the case of missing elderly or for small, very active children who are prone to meander. Hope this is helpful!
I ran across this post on Facebook this morning and immediately wanted to spread the word:
...“If I Need Help” is a company that was founded by Bruce and Erin Wilson. Their autistic son disappeared several times, causing fear in their hearts, and they knew something needed to be done.
Their product, though amazing, is simple and easy to purchase and sign up for. Just go to their website: and select the right product for your child, and there are many to choose from. Then register your child, listing everything that someone would need to know in case of an emergency. Every product has a QR code on it that can be scanned by any smartphone or pulled up on a computer. Some of the products they carry are; t-shirts, magnets, ID pins, bumper stickers, window clings, ID clips, patches, keychains, dog tags and cards. Every child/adult with special needs has a different tolerance level for things on their bodies or clothes so I love the selection!
Please share on your Facebook page so others will know.
Please…don't wait until your child disappears or you have a wreck or some other emergency. “If I Need Help” products just might save your child's life.
Written by Denise Carter
And Then They Grow Up
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