Why Your Child Needs a Healthy Breakfast
Many people have heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but did you ever think about how important it really is? Probably not, and that is because most mornings for busy families can be hectic! Parents need to get ready for work, while also getting their children prepared for school. Usually parents pick a quick and easy breakfast for their children to eat because it’s more convenient. Other times, breakfast might be skipped altogether! However, skipping breakfast or eating something sugary, such as cereal, can really affect your child’s attention, academic performance, and behavior.
When thinking about healthy nutrient-rich foods to feed your child, aim for these 3 food groups: whole grains, protein, and fruit. Don’t forget to add healthy fats as well! Foods such as real butter, extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, and avocado make great additions to your child’s meals. Healthy fats boost brain power. Kids who go to school on a low-fat diet don’t have what it takes for their brains to thrive! The brain is about 60% fat! To give our brains what it needs to stay healthy, it is vital to eat foods that are high in healthy fat and Omega-3s. "Healthy Breakfast Ideas Your Kids Will Love" is an article written by Katherine Lee who provides quick nutritious breakfast ideas that will give your child a solid start to their day. The article also gives parents tips on how to prepare a healthy breakfast without adding more to an already busy morning!
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