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Does Sound Therapy Really Work?

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image 6487327 copyMost people enjoy listening to music. Music evokes all types of feelings and emotions depending on the song or the style. We listen to music for a variety of reasons: to boost mood, to dance, to rock out while exercising or to set a relaxing tone for a dinner party. However, listening to therapeutic music regularly can bring many other benefits!

Sound therapy is an easy-to-use, noninvasive tool that can be used with people of all ages. Like massage therapy, which provides healing through specific types of touch, sound therapy delivers healing to the brain by specific sound frequencies applied through bone-conduction.

Austin Learning Solutions has been serving our clients with sound therapy since 2006. Technological advances have been made in the past fifteen years, enabling the sound therapy systems to deliver tailor-made programs for individual needs. We have seen many positive effects for our clients - changes that stick!

Sound therapy benefits are sometimes subtle but show in the person’s behaviors. Once, the dad of a student expressed his disappointment that he wasn’t seeing any changes after six weeks on the program. I sent home a seventy-item checklist, asking both parents to watch the son’s behaviors and check what they noticed.

The next week, that father was happy to show me seventeen changes they had seen in their son after just those six weeks! Changes such as:

  • Less anxiety
  • Understands questions better
  • Less distractible
  • Higher frustration tolerance
  • Initiates reading
  • Improved mood
  • More eye contact
  • Using better sentence structure
  • Getting started better (less procrastination)
  • Seems more mature

Whether young or old, people of all ages can enjoy the benefits of sound therapy!

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