Neuro... Now What?
The world is full of amazing people making new discoveries and ground breaking ideas. But let’s face it, sometimes it can be hard to keep up with all the new terminology. So we are going to break down some of these terms and discuss what they mean, who they refer to and how they impact the world.
- Neuro: which means “related to the nerves or nervous system”. For the next few words, it is referring to the control panel of the whole nervous system; the brain.
- Neurotypical: is a term that refers to the brain of your “typical” person. Typical in this context refers to the type of brain wiring required to function well within the parameters of any given society. These brains can meet most of that society's expectations without any extreme hindrance or disadvantage.
- Neurodivergent: is a term that refers to the brains of pretty much everyone else. It is a large umbrella term that covers any brain that is wired in a way that is not inline with the parameters of any given society. This includes everything from mental illness, to learning disabilities to personality disorders, to exceptional IQs. Neurodivent brains as a whole, can be at an advantage and/or disadvantage compared to neurotypical brains.
- Neurodiversity: is a proposed framework that argues there is intrinsic diversity in how human brains are wired, and that certain things currently classified as mental disorders are differences and disabilities but are not necessarily pathological. Since this framework sees the inherent value of multiple perspectives, its goal is to change the parameters of society to allow for these natural differences.
Whether you are neurotypical or neurodivergent, it is important to recognize that all our brains are special in their own way. We all have strengths and weaknesses. Instead of setting ridgid parameters that only a few fall into, we need to recognize that one size does not fit all. Accommodations are not unfair handouts, they are tools that level the playing field. It’s hard to score a goal when you have to climb out a pit before you can take the shot. Putting these systems in place will allow for everyone to shine, and that makes the world a brighter place.
Annalyse Tanzos
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