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New Year, New Books

We start out every year saying we're going to read more. Then one thing leads to another and we find another year has gone by and we never finished that bo...

COVID and Young Readers


The ADHD/ADD Fingerprint

  Take a moment to look at your hands. Do you see the intricate pattern of swirls on your fingertips? That is your very own unique fingerprint. Now, yo...

ADHD and Headaches

Did you know that kids diagnosed with ADHD are twice as likely to experience headaches or migraines than kids without ADHD. This risk for headaches and mig...

The Surprising Truth About Learning Disabilities

Those of us who have been diagnosed with a learning disability (LD), often worry what that means about us and our futures. We often compare ourselves to thos...

Why Does My Child Hate Reading?

Good  question!  Parents call Austin Learning Solutions wondering why their child dislikes reading so much. We often hear: “He loved reading when...

The Power of Family Read-Alouds


Does Sound Therapy Really Work?

Most people enjoy listening to music. Music evokes all types of feelings and emotions depending on the song or the style. We listen to music for a variety of...

Why Your Child Needs a Healthy Breakfast

Many people have heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but did you ever think about how important it really is? Probably not, and that ...

Growth Mindset VS Fixed Mindset

Carol Dweck, author of Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, noticed that some students were able to easily bounce back after failure while other student...

How Much Screen Time Is Good for your Child?

We all use screens now as everyday tools. Our adult screens come into play for phone calls and texts, to check schedules, send reminders, add new contacts,...

“Unstuck”: Aiden’s Sound Therapy Success

During the last 13 years the use of sound therapy has enabled many of my students to make faster progress, releasing them to grow academically, socially, and...