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Joining your local library is free! That’s right, free. Most of us forget that libraries let you check out books for free. So long as you always return y...
The parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) is the branch of the autonomic nervous system that helps regulate the body's rest and digest response. When the PN...
Does your child struggle with attention in the classroom or have difficulties with changing different environments? Integrated Learning Systems(iLs) are ed...
For information on the ways the brain understands symbols, read Part 1 of this blog: Numbers vs. Letters: How We Interpret Symbols Neuroscientists are stil...
“MY573R135 0F 7H3 HUM4N BR41N” Did you know that the brain interprets letters and numbers differently? Each has its own unique system it must go through ...
We all know the story of goldilocks and the three bears, but here is a quick recap just in case. Goldilocks eats their porridge, sits in their chairs, and sl...
Makes a child feel loved The concept of discipline isn’t something most children truly understand. Because it requires abstract thought, kids ju...
It’s February and love is the theme of the month. From Valentine’s cards to candy hearts, love is everywhere this month. But love is more than just giving so...
Everyone has their own preferences when it comes to books. Some claim they read way more using ebooks than they ever did reading print. Others say print bo...
The new year is here, and if you are anything like us, you might be wondering why you haven't started on those New Year’s resolutions yet. Whether it is re...
  It’s that time of year again, holiday season! Full of family and fun and that ever looming question, “What do I get for everyone?”. Austin ...
We start out every year saying we're going to read more. Then one thing leads to another and we find another year has gone by and we never finished that bo...